Sims Freeplay | SimTown Health Spa Live Event (12 Days Left)
A new live event has started! Complete the SimTown Health Spa Live Event to acquire everything needed to create a Sim health spa.
I caught this quest at the unholy hours of the night so unfortunately I could not start right away but then again, I usually catch these quests with 9 or 10 days left so this was a stroke of luck.
This event was successfully completed.
Key: (c) Candles (p) Pottery (j) Jewelry (g) Glassware (cc) Constructor Coins (SP) Social Points (LP) Life Points (x) Not unlocked yet.
Milestone 1 unlocks Spa Robes.
Spa Robes: 50(c)
Milestone 2 is 3(cc)
Milestone 3 is 3(cc)
Milestone 4 unlocks Interior Decorations
Spa Rugs: 900(c) 5(cc)
Serenity Rains: 2,700(c) 10(cc)
Milestone 5 unlocks the Pottery Station
Milestone 6 is 4(cc)
Milestone 7 is 4(cc)
Milestone 8 unlocks Rejuvenating Baths
Hot Springs: 7,300(c) 3,950(p) 45(cc)
Mud Bath: 10,900(c) 6,000(p) 65(cc)
Milestone 9 unlocks the Jewelry Station
Milestone 10 is 5(cc)
Milestone 11 is 2(SP)
Milestone 12 is 5(cc)
Milestone 13 unlocks Mani-Pedi
Manicure Station: 8,935(p) 9,450(j) 100(cc)
Foot Spa: 12,000(p) 12,500(j) 130(cc)
Milestone 14 unlocks the Glassware Station
Milestone 15 is 7(cc)
Milestone 16 is 2(SP)
Milestone 17 is 7(cc)
Milestone 18 unlocks Stress Relief
Mud Mask Chair: 15,000(p) 15,500(j) 15,500(g) 165(cc)
Meditation Area: 16,000(p) 17,000(j) 17,000(g) 175(cc)
Milestone 19 is 10(cc)
Milestone 20 is 2(SP)
Milestone 21 is 10(cc)
Milestone 22 unlocks Sauna and Massage
Massage Table: 17,000(p) 18,000(j) 18,000(g) 185(cc)
Sauna Supreme: 19,000(p) 20,000(j) 20,000(g) 205(cc)
Milestone 23 is 15(cc)
Milestone 24 is 2(SP)
Milestone 25 is 15(cc)
Milestone 26 is Spa Template (won by claiming all the prizes)
My Progress
The first station that you unlock is the candle crafting station. After completing the tutorial, you can purchase the first prize.
11 Days Left
I got incredibly lucky when trying out for SP and received 500 SP.
Purchased Spa Robes.
First session of candle crafting.
Received 3 Constructor Coins from unlocking Milestone 2
Completed all daily goals.
Received 3 Constructor Coins from unlocking Milestone 3.
Second session of candle crafting.
Third Session of candle crafting.
Unlocked Interior Decorations and the Pottery Station. (Milestone 4 & 5 )
Fourth Session of candle/pottery crafting.
Fifth Session of candle/pottery crafting.
Received 4 Constructor Coins from unlocking Milestone 6.
10 Days Left
3 Sessions of candle/pottery crafting
Received 4 Constructor Coins for reaching Milestone 7.
Purchased Spa Rugs
Completed all daily goals.
1 Session of candles/pottery crafting.
Unlocked Rejuvenating Baths
1 Session
Unlocked the Jewelry station.
Claimed all daily goals (Yes, twice. Maybe because I started at midnight with the event?)
Left my Sims working on candles/pottery/jewelry overnight.
9 Days Left
Completed last night’s session of candles/pottery/jewelry.
Received 5 Constructor Coins from reaching milestone 10.
Completed a candle/pottery/jewelry crafting session.
Received 2 Social Points from reaching milestone 11.
Completed a candle/pottery/jewelry crafting session.
Received 5 Constructor Coins from reaching milestone 12.
Completed 2 sessions of candles/pottery/jewelry crafting.
Unlocked mani-pedi by reaching milestone 13.
Completed another session of crafting and left my Sims working overnight.
8 Days Left
Completed last night’s crafting session.
Unlocked the Glassware station.
Started up a new crafting session (candles, pottery, jewelry and Glassware)
I’ve amassed 21,860 candles and 26,071 pottery so I went ahead and purchased Serenity Rains, Hot Springs and Mud Bath which were all the prizes that required candles.
Now I’m free to liberally use the Spin Plant. Note: Do not stop crafting candles as you need tons of Constructor Coins.
Pottery wasn’t a huge requirement so I was left with 16,121 pottery.
Completed another crafting session.
Received 7 Constructor Coins for reaching milestone 15.
Completed two crafting sessions.
Received 2 Social Points for reaching milestone 16.
7 Days Left
Completed 2 crafting sessions.
1 Constructor Coin x3? Bad luck or rigged? I don’t remember having that much ‘bad luck’ before the update.
Received 7 Constructor Coins from reaching milestone 17.
Completed all daily goals.
Place holder for incomplete sessions
3 crafting sessions completed.
Unlocked Stress Relief by reaching milestone 18.
1 crafting session completed. (Left overnight)
6 Days Left
Purchased the manicure station
All daily goals completed.
1 crafting session completed.
Received 10 Constructor Coins for reaching milestone 19.
3 Crafting session completed.
I was out and about so I couldn’t babysit the event as much as I would have liked.
Received 2 Social Points for reaching milestone 20.
5 Days Left
1 crafting session completed.
Purchased Foot Spa
Another crafting session completed.
I had accrued 18,000 in candles and received 369 Constructor Coins. I also landed the highest roll you can get which 125. It was a stroke of luck in the dim and gray.
Another crafting session completed.
Received 10 Constructor Coins for reaching milestone 21. Woo!
2 crafting sessions completed!
Started a new session which I’m leaving overnight.
I was able to collect all crafts before the day reset.
In total= 6 crafting sessions completed
I’m only short of 967 items to unlock the last prize.
4 Days Left
1 crafting session completed.
Sauna and massage unlocked!
2 crafting sessions complete!
Purchased Sauna Supreme.
Completed all daily goals.
2 crafting sessions completed!
Received 15 Constructor Coins for reaching milestone 23.
Another crafting session completed.
Last session left overnight. (Completed in the morning)
Total crafting sessions=7
3 Days Left
Purchased massage table
Completed all daily goals.
4 crafting sessions completed.
2 Social Points received for reaching milestone 24.
2 Days Left
Completed 3 crafting sessions.
Received 15 Constructor Coins for reaching milestone 25.
2 Days left and 2 prizes left.
Completed all daily goals.
1 Day Left
I’m already feeling a bit burned out from the event but I’m going to give it my all since it is nearly the last day!
Completed 7 Sessions
Purchased the mud mask chair
Completed all daily goals.
Purchased meditation area.