Sims Freeplay - Hans On!

Today while completing the requisites for the Snow Problem Quest, I was bombarded by the ‘ Hans On! ‘ Quest. I did not have to accept anything and you have 7 days to obtain the limited time prize.

Completing the Hans On! Quest will unlock dishwashers (which cleans up plates instantly!) as well as HANS (applies colored and dimmed lighting as well as curtain control for the whole house)

I’m not going to lie. I’m super excited for these features and as you all know, the cooking hobby is my favorite S/LP-hoarding method.. so that dishwasher appliance? Right up my alley.

Key Terms: Hrs: Hours m: Minutes s: Seconds +LP (LP gained) -LP (LP spent) CH (Cooking Hobby) (Notes/Observations)


First milestone prize: 5 Social Points
Second milestone prize: 15 Social Points

You will only receive the HANS panel and dishwashers once you reach 100% completion of the quest.

I was able to finish most of the quest in the last 2 days. If you tackle it early on, you won’t need to use as much LP as I used (since I was pressed on time)

HANS panel: The first is free and after that it costs 15LP

Dishwashers: Cleans plates instantly. Cost: S26,000 (Cheapest) and S150,000 (Most expensive one.) Read more on dishwashers here.

7 Days Left – Day 1

2% Talk to professor Hans Free – 30s (The professor can be found in the Park, not to be mistaken by the other characters from different quests!)

04% Have your Sim consider helping the professor to test out his ‘home automation’ program. – 40m ( Using a park bench > consider helping)

Not really sure why my Sim is even contemplating… JUST do it!

06% Agree to help the professor.

6 Days Left – Day 2

8% Sleep on some ideas. – 2hrs 40m (Using a bed > Sleep on some ideas)

10% Sanity check ideas. – 1hr 35m ( Using a computer > Sanity Check ideas)

12% Watch ‘Talking Tech’ on Tv. – 3hrs 30m

5 Days Left – Day 3

14% Discuss ideas – 3hrs 15m

16% Install HANS on a computer – 1hr 55m (Instead of sending your Sim home, I prefer to switch to another Sim.)

+5LP – CH

18% Inspect computer. – 3hrs 30m

? Note: I’m reserving LP until I complete the Snow Problem Quest.

20% Report to the professor. (The professor can be found in the park.) – 4hrs 35m

4 Days Left – Day 4

Note: With the Snow Problem quest complete, I am no longer reserving my LP.

22% Discuss solution with the professor – 5hrs 55m (-1LP)

24% Get clarity from the professor. – 4hrs 55m (-4LP)

26% Find parts in house objects. (This took two turns and 8 Sims)
You need to collect 20 parts.
Collecting a part takes 2hrs 30m
The ‘Collect parts’ option will appear when clicking on any household object.
It is recommended to use as many Sims as possible.
Note: You can only use 8 Sims
New: Sims can find 1-3 parts (random)

Session 1: My Sims found 13/20 Parts.
Session 2: Started and completed.

28% Construct the HANS transmitter on the front lawn. – 6hrs 26m (-5LP)

3 Days Left – Day 5

30% Plug the HANS transmitter in the computer. – 8hrs 28m (-5LP)

First milestone prize: 5 Social Points

34% Have your Sim vent to another Sim. – 1hr 15m (-1LP)

36% Have your Sim sit on a couch to consider the Professor’s design. – 3hrs (On a couch > Consider design.) (-2LP)

38% Discuss the power source with 5 Sims. – 3hrs 55m ( To Complete this task at the same time, you need to have 10 Sims (1 discussion= 2 Sims, etc.)

40% Read ‘Geological Records’ from a bookshelf. – 5hrs 30m (-4LP

42% Dig for Dimlite Ore in Park – 5hrs 30m ( The dig spot is marked by the X ) -2LP

EA’s play on words is fantastic. Dimlite= Sounds like Dim Light ?

44% Add Dimlite to the HANS transmitter using a computer. 1hr 15m

46% Have your Sim respond to the mysterious voice (Using a computer) – 4hrs 35m (-3LP

2 Days Left – Day 6

48% Take a cold shower. 3hrs 15m (-3LP

51% Speak to computer HANS – 2hrs (-1LP

53% Have your Sim tell HANS that it is unable to eat ice cream. – 3hrs 50m (.. ? ?

55% Take a selfie with HANS – 1hr 50m (-1LP

57% At a computer, have 8 Sims become friends with HANS on SimBook. -2hrs 40m (Note: I already had 9 cheap computers so I had all Sims completing this at once.

59% Teach HANS about lighting – 4hrs 35m (One thing I like is the realism of this task. The lighting of the house starts changing colors! (-2LP)

61% Have your Sim confront HANS at a computer and find out why it’s not following instructions. – 4hrs 10m (-4LP

63% Contact the ‘ Computer Whisperer Hotline ‘ 4hrs 55m( Using a phone > Call Whisperer Hotline) -2LP

65% Have your Sim discuss over the Problem with Susan. 6hrs 5m (-1LP

1 Day Left – Day 7

Second milestone prize: 15 Social Points

69% Talk to Susan about her HANS solution. 5m

71% Find parts in house objects (50/50 parts needed) [ This took me 2 sessions using all 10 Sims/LP)

You can only have 10 Sims searching for HANS Parts. ?
Sims can find 5-7(?) parts at a time.
Each task takes 2hrs 30m

73% Hand over the parts to Susan so she can make Expectation Controller for HANS. – 15m (Click on Susan > hand parts.) -1LP

75% Using a computer, have your Sim ask HANS to dim all the house lighting.

77% Get HANS to change the light color of the house.

79% From a computer, have your Sim ask HANS to turn off the lighting.

81% Deliver news about HANS to the professor. – 30m (Send your Sim to the Park. Click on Professor Free Hans > Deliver news.) -1LP

83% Beg for the Professor to change his mind about destroying HANS. – 45m (After we took all that time to program it! ?) -1LP

85% Send your Sim home and call Susan for help. – 1hr 35m (I simply switched out to a free Sim and left this one at the park.) -1LP

87% Download HANS to your cellphone. – 15m

89% Send your Sim to the park to try to convince him (with Susan) 1hr 15m- (I simply switched to the Sim in the Park.) -1LP

91% Have your Sims present HANS ? to the Professor. – 2hrs 15m (-2LP

93% Have your Sim Discuss HANS wish with the professor. 2hrs 25m (-1LP

95% Thank Susan Sparks for allowing you to convince the professor. – 2hrs 55m (-1LP)

97% Take a photo with the Professor and Susan. 2hrs 5m (Click on the X marked by the spot.) -2LP

100% Say farewell to Susan and the Professor. 4hrs 10m (-3LP


a. Brown Black Dishwasher  S23,000

When you click on a Brown Black Dishwasher, it will come with 2 options: Load dirty plate (24s) Load all plates (24s) ‘ Loading the plates ‘ is the initial action.

Once the plates are all loaded up, you must wait 1 hour for the action to complete. There’s no way to speed up the dishwasher but there’s also no limit on how many dirty plates you can clean up.

You have the option of purchasing an additional dishwasher in a case of emergency. (I own 2)

You can not move the dishwasher while it is completing an action.

Possible Bugs?

Moving a dishwasher (that has finished washing dishes) from the inventory and placing it in a house lot will cause it to perform the ‘dish-washing’ action for 60m.


I had my doubts about this quest but .. it was 100% worth it! The instant solution to clean a day’s worth of plates from the lot is worth the effort in my humble opinion (especially if you use the cooking hobby to hoard LP!)