Easyengine - Renewing SSL

When I first started to manage my server, I preferred the manual option but as time progressed, it became cumbersome to keep up with it. However, in this tutorial, I’ve included both methods!

Easyengine and basic knowledge of terminal commands.

Log into the terminal via ssh as administrator/root.

Important: Replace my domain name with yours.

Option A: Manually Renewing an SSL Certificate

ee site update meepingblog.com –letsencrypt=renew

You will be greeted with the following:
Renewing SSl cert for https://meepingblog.com
Reload : nginx [OK]
SUCCESS: Certificate was successfully renewed For htt
Your cert will expire within 89 days.
Expiration DATE: Wed Sep 20 03:45:00 UTC 2018

Option B: Letting Easyengine take care of all of your SSL Needs

The following command is a cron job that will automatically renew each certificate attached to your sites before expiry date.

~# crontab -l

You will be greeted with the following:

The command will input the following line
0 0 * * 0 ee site update –le=renew –all 2> /dev/null # Renew all letsencrypt SSL cert. Set by EasyEngine

And that concludes the end of this tutorial!