7 Days of Gifts: Fergie (Happy New Year) | Exos Heroes

Exos Heroes is having a special 7-day login reward. The last event was Rachel and his holiday Fatecore for Christmas. For New Years, we will receive Fergie (FC: Happy New Year)

To receive the rewards, you must login every day and head into Obliana and click on Liffy (who follows you around with a golden gift box)

7 Days of Gifts: Fergie + FC as the final reward

Day 1: 200 Xes

Day 2: 300,000 Gold

Day 3: 70 Book of Experience (Basic)

Day 4: 50 Dye Coupon

Day 5: 5 Nation Recruit Ticket

Day 6: 500 Xes

Day 7: Fergie + Fatecore: Happy New Year